Sinergie-SIMA 2023 Conference Proceedings are online

Call for paper Special Issue: Redefining Corporate Brand Identity in the times of social media. A multi-stakeholder perspective
https://www.sijm.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Call-for-papers-Redefining-Corporate-Brand-.pdf A corporate identity “provides the central platform upon which corporate communications policies are developed, corporate reputations are built and corporate images and stakeholder identifications with the corporation are formed” (Balmer, 2008, p.881). Therefore, a corporate brand identity encompasses specific values and features which represent an organization and its products offered to a market; moreover,...

Newsletter n. 1/2024
EDITORIAL by Marta Ugolini and Alberto Pastore (Editor e co-editor in chief) Dear friends of Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, As part of the Journal’s development plan, today we inaugurate the quarterly newsletter, whose function is to promote the Journal, its values and goals, published research, the Conference, and any other activities related to our...

Sinergie-SIMA 2024 Conference – Call for paper
Parma June 13-14, 2024 Management of sustainability and well-being for individuals and society https://www.sijmsima.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/CFP-Sinergie-SIMA-Conference-2024-ok.pdf