
Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference 2021

Paper Development Workshop (PDW)

9 June, 2021 – 15:00-18:30

This PDW aims to provide young scholars specific guidance and developmental feedback in the submission (or re-submission) of their working papers for potential publication to an international top-ranking journal.


PDW Format

15:00 Welcome

PART 1. Publishing qualitative and quantitative research

15:10 Challenges and Best‐practices for Planning, Executing, and Publishing Qualitative Research – Prof. Davide Ravasi (UCL School of management)

15:30 Challenges and Best‐practices for Planning, Executing, and Publishing Quantitative Research – Prof. Giovanni Valentini (IESE Business School)

15:50 Coffee break

16:00 PART 2. Roundtable discussions

Selected papers will be allocated to specific roundtables for in-depth discussion. Each roundtable will host 5 papers. Roundtable paper discussion is organized as follows:

  • Each author will be invited to provide an overview of the paper’s core message, research questions, methodology, results and contributions and the areas in which she/he is looking for specific advice (10 minutes)
  • Each paper will receive developmental comments by an expert discussant (10 minutes)
  • Q&A from the audience (10 min)

18:30 Final remarks

 Target audience and eligibility requirements

The target of this PDW are young and mid-career scholars who show robust interest for conceptual and empirical research in the field of management.

The eligibility and submission requirements are to submit:

  1. a bio sketch (one page);
  2. the most recent version of the research paper (or extended abstract) that the author would like to discuss. Papers should be written in English;
  3. a cover letter clearly stating the question(s) which they are struggling with (one page).

Authors are invited to indicate in a note on the front-page the paper’s target journal(s), and, in the case of R&R papers, the journal in which the paper is under consideration at the time of the submission. In this latter case, authors may send the received reviews to start a useful interaction with the audience of the PDW in order to improve their responses to referees.

Participants to the PDW will be selected by the organizers on the basis of the relevance and “fit” of their research with the theme of the conference, as well as on the academic quality and impact of their submissions. Preference will be given to full papers. Conceptual, qualitative and quantitative research will be equally considered in the selection process. Preference will be given to papers whose authors include at least one young scholar (PhD student/candidate, post-doctoral researcher) available to present at the PDW during the Sinergie-Sima conference.

Papers should be submitted by sending an email to and c.c. to Please indicate “PDW Sinergie Sima 2021” in the email. Please also note that for this PDW each applicant should submit only one paper.


24 MARCH, 2021: Submission Deadline for Proposals
31 MARCH, 2021: Notification of Review Committee Decisions
15 APRIL, 2021: Presenter Registration Deadline
9 JUNE, 2021: PDW

Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, the author who participates to the PDW should register for the Sinergie-SIMA Management conference.


Paolo Aversa, Cass Business School, London, UK
Cristina Bettinelli, University of Bergamo
Gabriella Levanti, University of Palermo
Pasquale Massimo Picone, University of Palermo