Peer review procedures
How is journal content quality assured?
Sinergie is a double-blind reviewed journal.
Only original content is published, following evaluation procedures. The journal’s editor-in-chief and co-editor are in charge of evaluating the papers and supervising the peer-review process.
Each paper is submitted for evaluation to two anonymous independent reviewers, who are academics chosen among experts in the field.
Editorials and explicitly invited contributions are not subjected to peer review.
The editors reserve the right to require changes to a manuscript, including to its length, as a condition of acceptance. The editors reserve the right, notwithstanding acceptance, not to publish the paper if for any reason such publication would, in the reasonable judgement of the editors, result in legal liability or violation of the journal’s ethical practices. If the editors decide not to publish a paper, the author or authors are free to submit it to any other journal of any publisher.
The peer-review process can lead to:
- acceptance of the paper as it is
- acceptance with minor proposals for improvements
- acceptance subject to substantial modifications
- revise and resubmit
- rejection.
The review forms will be sent back to the corresponding author, who must return the paper within a specified time frame after revising it according to the reviewers’ comments. In case of substantial modifications and of “revise and resubmit”, the manuscript is sent again to reviewers for further evaluation.
Guidance by the editor-in-chief, guest editors and blind referees results in a ‘training ground for young researchers’, which at the time of foundation was declared as the mission of Sinergie by its founder, Giovanni Panati.
Reviewers apply the following criteria when assessing submissions:
- correctness of the methodological approach
- relevance of the primary and secondary data sources and of the references
- clarity of expression
- originality/innovation
- relevance from theoretical and empirical viewpoints, and potential impact of managerial implications.