Digital-health system and patient engagement: a literature review
Digital-health system and patient engagement: a literature review
STEFANIA MELE - FILOMENA IZZOObjectives. Digital health has evolved through different research and application steps starting as just a communication medium, to complement traditional services, to a technology of automation and decision tools that expands the scope and range of health services. At the same time, the use of digital healthcare is a strong answer to new pandemic times. It could be a crucial part of the service jointly self-management, but it is evident that patients should me engaged in the process to be part of the ecosystem. Thanks to ICT technologies it is always easier to create innovative solutions to help the emergency of the health system, our study tries to systematize what has happened in this disruptive situation in management studies, consolidating lessons learned in last twenty years.
#bibliometrix #Covid #digital #health system #patient engagement #technology