“Personal branding”: an exploratory study
“Personal branding”: an exploratory study
Rossella Sagliocco, Gaetano BuccinoWith the technological developments creating about the improvement of communication across the Internet and numerous social media platforms, a lot of people have personal brands that need to be managed in a virtual age (Gioia et al., 2014). If they don’t manage this, the others will do it. Personal branding (PB) is about building a reputation with the surrounding people that will let promoting and enhancing relationships that open up opportunities in life. PB is not a fast tactic to impress people in an authentic way, but a way to express yourself (Coyte G., 2014). Everyone has an online reputation nowadays, for this reason, it is essential to control it. The term “personal brand” initially was born from an article titled “The Brand Called You” by Tom Peters (1997), in which he affirmed that a personal brand can be detected as the brand of ourselves as if we were organizations. Tom Peters defines PB as a method in which people differentiate themselves from others (Peters, 1997).
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