current issue
Innovation, performance and social concerns
Innovation, performance and social concerns
Service innovation in emerging economies: an inclusive perspective
Angela Caridà – Maria Colurcio – Tiziana Russo Spena – Jay Kandampully
“I am apt to show off”: exploring the relationship between entrepreneurs’ narcissism and start-up innovation
Simona Leonelli – Federica Ceci – Francesca Masciarelli
The evolution of agency-client relationships within the communication network in Italy: the perspective of communication partners
Federica Ceccotti – Maria Vernuccio – Alberto Mattiacci
Asymmetric information in subcontracting decisions: the effects of the first mover advantage
Emanuela Delbufalo – Marina Monsurrò
Director ownership and performance of small and medium enterprises: insights from Northeast Italy
Paolo Roffia
Recycling behaviour in higher education institutions: a systematic literature review
Rezarta Sallaku – Rossella Baratta – Angelo Bonfanti – Vania Vigolo
La sensibilità del consumatore a comportamenti aziendali eticamente scorretti
Giuseppe Bertoli – Bruno Busacca – Alessandro Calzetti
L’impatto del passaggio generazionale sulle performance economiche: un focus sulle imprese della provincia di Vicenza
Corrado Corsi – Paolo Farinon