Sinergie-SIMA 2020 Conference
Publication opportunities
Publication opportunities
Conference Proceedings
Unless publication is explicitly waived by the author(s) at the time of paper submission, all full papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be published online in the refer- red Electronic Conference Proceedings and copyrighted with ISBN and DOI codes.
The extended abstracts presented in specific conference sessions will be published online in a separate volume of Conference Proceedings and copyrighted with an ISBN. Conference Proceedings will be published in open access form on the Sinergie website ( after the conference. Before uploading the material, it will be edited to ensure quality; the costs of this editing work will be borne by Sinergie.
All paper authors (in the case of multiple co-authors, at least one author) must present and discuss the paper and/or the extended abstract during the conference online parallel sessions. Failure to present and discuss will result in the paper or extended abstract being excluded from the Electronic Conference Proceedings.
Papers submitted to the PDW will not be included in the conference proceedings (this applies to both accepted and rejected papers).
Publication in Sinergie Italian Journal of Management
A selection of the papers addressing the specific theme of the conference (Grand challenges: companies and universities working for a better society) will be made by the Scientific Committee for inclusion in a 2021 Sinergie Italian Journal of Management special issue.
Sinergie is ranked “C” by ANVUR for VQR 2011-2014 and is ranked “A” by AIDEA among Italian business administration journals (
The papers selected for publication in the special issue will be announced during the concluding live plenary session, broadcasted online; their authors will be acknowledged with an award. Publication in Sinergie Italian Journal of Management is free of charge
Further publication opportunities
A number of the papers presented at the conference will be eligible for submission to the Journal of Management and Governance (ISSN: 1385-3457 print version – ISSN: 1572-963X electronic version – publisher: Springer) following a fast-track publication review process. The Journal of Management and Governance is ranked “B” by ANVUR for VQR 2011-2014 and is ranked “A” by AIDEA among Italian business administration journals (
Business case studies will be eligible for publication on Pearson web platform.
The conference website will provide information on further publication opportunities in the Journal of Management and Governance and other international journals.